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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

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The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.

You Got Screened

Kent R.

Q. I received an unscheduled call from a recruiter that lasted only about 15 minutes.  He asked very targeted questions. I have not heard a peep since?  What’s going on?  Did I just fail the interview? A. I get this question pretty frequently because these kinds of calls can really confuse candidates.  And that makes sense; when you receive a quick call from a recruiter that doesn’t quite feel like an interview it can be a little confounding.

The good news is that this is not technically a first interview – it is part of the exploratory phase.  The bad news is that these calls can feel really intense because they rarely involve the “niceties” associated with a proper interview.

So what is going on?  Generally speaking, the recruiter is matching applicants to a position that requires a specialized skill set.  In doing a thorough job, the recruiter is looking to verify that a candidate is qualified (or not). You are being pre-screened.

Of course, every conversation with a recruiter is an interview.  And every call is an opportunity to pivot – to maximize your time with the recruiter to market yourself and uncover opportunities.  By being prepared for these kinds of calls, you can more effectively transition what is intended to be a quick “check off a few boxes” call into something more.