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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

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How To Approach A Post-Interview Thank You Letter

Kent R.

Q.  You have written a lot about sending off thank you letters after an interview.  I struggle with these.  What kind of things should I say? A.  First and foremost, a post-interview thank you letter needs to be an authentic thank you.  But it is also an opportunity to (tactfully) reassert your qualifications.

The most effective way to achieve both is to speak to one or two specific examples from the interview.  Highlight something that you appreciated learning.  Then go one step further and briefly highlight how – based on that new piece of information – you are an even stronger candidate.

For example, if you learned that the company was looking to enter into a new market, you may speak to how you can help the company achieve that goal.

In all cases, keep the letter short and to the point.