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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

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Stop Hating Mondays

Information on The Change Laboratory’s Professional Resume Writing and Career Development services.

We propel organizational effectiveness by empowering team members with tools for greater success and arming organizations – from startups to Fortune 500 – with progressive HR strategies. Businesses do better when teams are comprised of thriving individuals who are eager to come to work.


Business Development Services


We offer professional consulting and contract services for organizations of all sizes, with a focus on making them great places for the individuals who make them run. Happy, #SundayScaries-free employees and work groups are good for business.

We help clients:

• Ensure their company culture creates the right People Experience
• Work more efficiently and collaboratively, with better results
• Abandon workism and other counter-productive workplace ailments
• Foster a culture of shared success and retention



Elevate performance and build teams that thrive

TeamFinder unites our powerful personality assessment process and 1:1 / all-group sessions to help teams communicate effectively, collaborate optimally, and thrive.

Grow and protect your business with SPHR advice

HR Wayfinder provides cost-effective, enterprise-level Human Resources advice to help you elevate employee experiences, ensure compliance, and protect profits.


OTHER Business Development Specialities

We help across a variety of areas; some specialties include:

Culture Assessment – We use our anti-workism culture assessment methodology to build a realistic and accurate understanding of your organization’s climate and provide clear, actionable steps for bringing it in line with your stated culture.

Peak Performance – You want your team members to be their best… period. We’ll explore what Peak Performance means to the individuals that make your organization run. They’ll leave with tools to achieve a shared vision of optimal performance.

People Experience – We’re People Experience fanatics and can help you implement exceptional practices across the employee lifecycle. This attention to physical workspace, culture, and technology will give you a competitive advantage via improved retention, higher quality work, and happier customers.

TwoFinder – Relationships are key to getting where you want to go in many of the roles you play (partner, co-workers, friend, etc.). With TwoFinder, we’ll explore how you work best – and can improve your relationship – with a key person. Both participants leave with a playbook for a stronger connection.

A Wellness-based Approach

Healthy individuals make thriving teams, and thriving teams make thriving businesses. We bring a wellness orientation – underpinned by the following holistic wellness elements – to every business development project we do.








Our Promise


We recently celebrated our 15th year of business.

We are grateful for the thousands of clients who have enabled us to do such fulfilling work and who have pointed loved ones, friends, and colleagues our way.

Because of our clients’ belief in what we do, our customer base is now comprised of mostly returning and referred clients.

Our passion for helping individuals and organizations succeed has never been stronger. We complete each project with the utmost care and compassion, enabled by strong relationships, and with an emphasis on quality and integrity.

Learn more about The Change Laboratory and our track record of success.



We are dedicated to providing exceptional customer experiences, and grateful to have received notes of gratitude from hundreds of satisfied clients. Visit our Testimonials page for a greater selection of client feedback.