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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

Blog / Podcast

The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.

Want To Give A Meaningful Graduation Gift?

Kent R.

I am getting loads of e-mails from graduates (and those who love them!) as they prepare to embark on their professional careers. These e-mailers want to ensure that they are presenting themselves in the most effective way possible as they compete for jobs in a difficult job search environment. Looking for work is especially daunting for people with little or no professional work experience. There’s no doubt that a concise, powerful and professional new resume goes a long way in bolstering a job-seeker's success.  Getting a job involves a lot of heavy lifting, to be sure, but a compelling resume is non-negotiable. I rarely see someone with a bad resume get a job. After all, in many ways, it’s a job candidate’s first deliverable.

Do you want to give an especially meaningful gift to a new graduate – something he/she will remember long after the cake has been eaten?

Introducing June's promotion...

Consider setting your loved one up for success with a sharp new resume. Send off an e-mail so that we can work out all of the logistics. Oh, and your gift doesn’t have to be for a new graduate; a new resume is the perfect gift for anyone who needs a job search boost. Plus, if you purchase a resume/letter set as a gift, I'll throw in a helpful bonus document.

Get in touch and bolster someone’s confidence and success!