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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

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Tandem's Tips - Listing References On A Resume

Kent R.

From the archives - common questions worth re-addressing. Q: How do I handle putting references on my resume?

A:  In most cases you don’t need to include references on your resume. In fact, you don’t even need to state “References available upon request.” Besides… Isn’t that sort of an absurd statement to include? Think about it. Your resume is valuable real estate and employers know – and they know that you know – that you’ll come up with references if you need to. Don’t waste the space.

If an employer chooses to conduct reference checks, they’ll ask for this information at some point during the interview process. It doesn’t hurt to have a reference sheet prepared, but – in my experience – many employers will ask for the information via e-mail or at the end of the first interview.