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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

Blog / Podcast

The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.


Kent R.

Q: Recently, you wrote a blog entry about the importance of following up on a resume. I feel very stuck in terms of my job search and hadn’t even thought about how important it probably is to follow up. Do you have any advice on when it is most effective to follow up? A: Great question! When I wrote this post, I didn’t get into the timeframe for following up on a resume. There is no hard and fast rule and, as always, what works for one company likely won’t work for another.

Generally speaking, though, do not follow up before the closing date of the requisition. This is the date through which the company says they will accept submissions. It is typically most effective to send off a follow up letter during the first week after that closing date. If there is no closing date listed, follow up about two weeks after you submit your resume.

Two things to keep in mind no matter what...

1) Most job-seekers make the mistake of following up WAY too soon. Give your resume submission some breathing room and refrain from looking too aggressive (and/or too desperate).

2) Follow up in any way you see fit, based on the culture of the company you are applying to. But play by the rules. If the posting says “no calls,” then don’t call.

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