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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

Blog / Podcast

The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.


Kent R.

Q: I read so much about the importance of building a network. My profession doesn't have any formal networking groups. What can I do?

A: In my experience, when people hear the term networking, they are often repelled because their mind goes directly to cheesy events, awkward conversations, large professional associations, etc. Truthfully, networking can be all of that, but - in today's job search landscape - it's so much more.

A couple of suggestions....

  • Use social networking tools. These tools will play a bigger and bigger role in the world of hiring, and they provide a great way to connect with a vast array of people who might be able to help you out. Use Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, for example, to find people in your career field.
  • Talk to people you come in contact with. Often, when job-search-crazed people meet someone from a company of interest, they either go too big "Can you pass along my resume?" or say nothing at all. Focus on starting a conversation in an authentic way. Ask a couple of questions about the company - what the person does, if they like to work there, etc. - to see if the company might be a good fit.

Feel free to send off an e-mail with any questions and be sure to check out August's promotion.