Looking For Work? Consider Your Options
Kent R.
From the archives - common questions worth re-addressing. Q: I was just reading your blog entry about the guy who decided to transition from “regular” employment to contract based work. I'd never even considered that as an option, and I think it’s a wonderful idea. In that post, you mention remaining flexible and considering all of the options when looking for work. How do I even begin to know what other options I may not be considering?
A: We tend to get stuck in patterns of narrow thinking – in our careers and in life. The blog entry you are referring to encourages job-seekers to take a broader view when navigating this frustrating employment environment. A few months ago, Mike would have never considered contract work. In an effort to adapt to the current economic reality, he branched out and – along the way – found an alternative that he is thrilled with.
In work – and in life – it helps to step out of your own box in order to examine the options that exist. Are you doing something because it genuinely resonates with you or because you’ve gotten stuck in a pattern? Are you following your own dream, or are you letting societal expectations define the course you take?
I (or anyone) can present you with all sorts of options to consider as you ponder how to get more creative in your job search. The best thing to do, though, is to check in with your own internal compass. Use your findings to design your own “perfect” life.
Mike asked himself the same questions as an extension of some Career Development work we did together. He acknowledged that he valued change and flexibility and that he had never applied those values to the workplace. This realization is what drove him to consider contract work.
Do some examining of your own. Get a firm grasp on what really matters to you. In the process, you too will likely be inspired to branch out and to look at things, like your job search, a bit differently.
Career and life satisfaction start with you. Get designing!
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