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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

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The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.

Your Rambling Resume is a Problem

Kent R.

I got a lot of interesting e-mails, asking about the "rambling" I was referring to in my last blog post.

"What constitutes rambling," many e-mailers asked.

Good question.

Rarely, if ever, do candidates get it right on their resume. Many are far too short, which tells reviewers one thing about preparedness, confidence, etc. Far more, however, veer heavily into rambling, which is even more telling.

Why? Because savvy employers know that rambling is an indication of two things:

1. A lack of confidence. Candidates feel so uncertain and lack so much confidence about what they've done, that they feel as though they have to mention every. little. detail. in order to sound busy or important or good at multi-tasking or promotable or like a team player.

2. The inability to gauge importance. Employers want to know how you moved the mark in each of your prior positions. If, for example, you are the Director of Customer Relations, they know that you are responsible for the department that oversees customer satisfaction. They want to know how you increased customer satisfaction (and other KPIs), not the exhaustive list of responsibilities that enable you to do so.

Rambling is a resume (and interview) killer.

Let me help you!