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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

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The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.

Your Job and Quality of Life

Kent R.

Over the last several years, in particular, many people have been trying to figure out where they "fit" in the world of work. More importantly, many have been trying to determine where they want to land. What they want to do as opposed to living someone else's dream. I am happy to say that, with this shift in thinking, "quality of life jobs" are back on the minds of many. What are quality of life jobs? They are jobs that provide an income and a living without the stress of other – possibly higher paying – positions. The great thing is that many of these positions DO, in fact, pay quite well.

I'm talking about positions that require a certain degree of training but that can be left at work. Skilled labor work and some positions in healthcare fall into this category. For instance, many healthcare tech jobs (sonographer, etc.) require about a couple of years of training and provide a decent income. And a career in healthcare is a good idea right now.

Does a job that stays at work (not on your mind) appeal to you? Have you considered a quality of life job? Now might be the time.