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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

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When to Include Courses on Your Resume

Kent R.

I am often asked when it makes sense to include coursework on a resume and when it should be excluded. Here are a some general guidelines…

Include coursework when:

  • You are currently pursuing a degree or have recently earned a degree.
  • Your degree and associated coursework are a key qualification. This is often the case when you are just starting down your career path or are making a career transition that better leverages your education.

Exclude coursework when:

  • You are established in your career and are no longer leaning heavily on your education.
  • Your coursework does not align with your desired career path.

Including coursework can be an excellent way to work in some strategic keywords and highlight foundational knowledge in a specific area. However, it can also make your resume feel “junior.” That is not a concern when you actually are “junior,” but it can be very detrimental if you are established in a career.