Kent R.
I am a big fan of year-end “best of” lists and things that sum up what’s been going on during the last 12 months. So, I thought why not do something similar here at Tandem. Each week, I get a lot of questions about resumes, career development and the world of work. As part of this blog, I try to address the most common themes so that readers can use the blog as a resource and learn from what other people have been asking about.
So, for this post, I thought I’d point you back to the three posts that address the inquiries I have received most often this year. If you’re an ongoing reader, thanks; hopefully you can use this post to refresh your memory. If you’re a new visitor, use these links to get to the information that will likely be most useful for you.
Here goes...
• More than anything, a lot of readers wonder what makes the “best” resume. If that’s something you’ve pondered, click here for some helpful thoughts.
• Increasingly, short-term jobs are common. Here is a post that addresses how you might speak to the appearance of job hopping.
• With the economy in a rough state, many people are reevaluating work and want to get into a job/career that they have a passion for. To many, money isn’t all that matters. Read some thoughts on loving what you do here.
Also, I have to take a moment to mention that I received a lot of great feedback about my post on why an outstanding resume matters. You can check that entry out here.
What’s on your mind as we head into 2010? Send off an email so that I can address your question in upcoming posts.