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Seattle, WA

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Top Advice When Negotiating a Job Offer

Kent R.

My experience doing HR Consulting gives me a lot of valuable insight that I enjoy sharing with my Career Development clients. More and more, I am helping my clients navigate job offers – oftentimes many job offers – in an increasingly competitive climate for companies that are hiring. 

Tech companies, I'm looking at you.

Since I get asked (a lot) about how to maximize salary and benefits as part of the negotiating process, I want to provide one top tip that I share with clients during these consulting sessions.

Upon receiving the offer, say something like: "I can't wait to talk this over with my family." Or "husband" "wife" "professional circle" – you get the idea.

Doing this serves two key purposes:

1) It takes the pressure off. You won't feel "forced" to immediately declare "YES!" to the offer if you share this plan with the person making the offer.

2) It demonstrates that you are making a thoughtful, informed decision and that other stakeholders have a say. This makes you an even more attractive candidate.

Get in touch if you want my help. I am not able to offer many coaching sessions, and they fill up fast.