There Is No Magic Bullet
Kent R.
An outstanding resume is a critical component of a successful job search and career development strategy, but – as I have written about several times now – it is just a piece of the puzzle. What surprises me is how often I see messages to the contrary. Blog posts and websites that infer – if they don’t say outright – that an updated resume is some sort of magic bullet. That message is misguided at best and in direct contradiction with the facts. Since the economy took a nosedive, only 20% of jobs are secured by applying blindly to a job requisition.
That is why I make it clear that I don’t guarantee that an updated resume will get you a job. Doing so would be unethical. The work we do together will bolster your confidence and set you up for success, but it is just the start. You have to do the rest, and that includes everything from targeting your resume to building your professional network.
Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet. But a comprehensive job search and career development strategy – one that includes a powerful, achievement-focused resume – is will dramatically increase your chances of success.
In order to help clients navigate a comprehensive job search, I am currently including my new guide – Beyond an Outstanding Resume – as a part of every project. It's the current promotion. Get in touch for details!