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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

Blog / Podcast

The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.

The No Vacation Required Podcast - Episode 2

Kent R.

We’re back with another episode of the No Vacation Required podcast, where we ask, “Why are we still doing that?” – examining the habits, beliefs, and expectations that no longer serve us and, more importantly, exploring actionable strategies to help you build a life you don’t need a break from.

In this episode, we dig into the idea that success is yours to define. After our last discussion on invoking your agency, we heard from many of you who said, “I love the idea, but I don’t even know what I stand for.” So, in addition to talking about the crucial first step in our L.I.F.E. philosophy, we talk about:

  • How important it is to have personal measures of success, not just in your career.

  • A pivotal moment in our relationship when we realized we had been following someone else’s script for success – and how rewriting that script led us to a more fulfilling life together.

  • An ad campaign we did for Sate of Washington Tourism framed around how our take on romance / relationships shapes how we travel.

Plus, we revisit a memorable conversation with a group of bridesmaids in Cabo, who had very basic opinions on what makes a romantic partner worthy.

If you’ve ever felt like you’re chasing someone else’s version of success, this episode is for you.

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