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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

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Tandem's Resume Tips - Objective Statements

Kent R.

From the archives - common questions worth revisiting. Q: What tips can you provide on putting together an Objective Statement?

A: Objective Statements can work very well and can be very effective as a way of clearly communicating your desired next step to an employer. However – as the job-search landscape has changed drastically over the years – Objective Statements are less and less common.

In the blog entry found here, I get into creating a “personal brand” for your resume.  In many cases, I think it is most effective to take this approach at the top of your resume.  By providing a succinct overview of what you are all about – your personal brand – you are simultaneously telling a potential employer what you have done AND suggesting what you can do for them. A perfect lead-in for your resume.

The key here is that, by opening this way, you are conveying that you know yourself – where you have been and where you are going.  It provides a nice balance, as it is a powerful approach without being too egocentric.

So, to answer your question, consider going this route rather than with an Objective Statement.