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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

Blog / Podcast

The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.


Kent R.

Tandem believes in giving back. A couple of months ago, I introduced Mercy Corps as Tandem's charity of choice for the year. I have a lot of respect for Mercy Corps because they are big believers in helping people to build productive lives. You may also remember that, last month, I was heading off to New York, which provided me the opportunity to check out Mercy Corps' Action Center in Manhattan. This "hands on" space inspires people to be a part of positive change in an effort to squelch poverty. I was impressed by my visit.  It made me realize - even more - that we're all connected, and that we have to watch out for one another.

Soon, many of us will start to turn a bit of our attention to the holidays, and the typical season for giving back. I want to pass along the extra jolt of inspiration I got from visiting the Action Center, so I have a deal for you.

New customers who provide proof of any kind of recent charitable donation will receive Tandem's Toolkit (a resume along with customizable templates for the following:  cover letter, thank-you letter, resume follow-up letter) for the price of Tandem's Essentials (resume and cover letter template).  That represents two extra documents and a heck of a deal.

For clients who don't go for that option, I'll be donating a portion of each project fee to Mercy Corps.

So, as a new client, you'll get outstanding new job search documents AND the great feeling that comes with giving back.  You can't beat that. Just be sure to mention this blog entry when you make your initial contact.

Take a moment to check out Mercy Corps and/or make a donation to them.

Send off an email if you have any questions about Tandem's services and/or this promotion.