Take Time to Have Fun
Kent R.
In the often-intense work I do, consulting on workplace dynamics and career excellence, I can find myself working with a lot of stress cases. As a long-time overachiever, I, too, can become quite a ball of stress, as I thrive on 10+ hour workdays, etc.
As we head into a holiday week, I want to take a moment to remind you to take some time to simply ENJOY LIFE.
Oddly, it's probably the best thing you can do for your career development. Taking the time to have fun, rejuvenate, laugh, sleep in (etc.) will make you a more effective leader, co-worker, and employee.
Have a look at your calendar and ensure that you have plenty of time scheduled for you to enjoy life and the ones that you love this summer.
If it isn't the best decision you make, I'll buy you a drink.