Summer Is Coming – Let It Energize You
Kent R.
The other day I was preparing for a speech, and I ran across one of my favorite lists. It's Outside magazine's take on the best places to work. I like this particular list because – year after year – they do a good job of finding unexpected employers that truly value unique individuals who want to be about a lot more than work. As we approach summer, it's a good time to remind you that you're about a lot more than work. What makes great employees remarkable is that they bring all of themselves to the workplace. What makes outstanding employers remarkable, is that they value a diverse workforce where everyone can be themselves.
Are you working in an environment that energizes you? Are you working for an organization that values – really values – you?
If not, put some of the energy that comes with summer into building a better career for yourself. Trust me, it'll make you happier at work and in your life in general.
Need some help getting the best of you down on paper – in the form of a killer resume that will get attention? Get in touch!
Make this summer your summer. The one where you make things happen.