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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

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Resumes for Federal Jobs

Kent R.

Q: I am searching for work and hear a lot about using a special resume for government positions. What is different about this type of resume?

A: This topic is confusing for many people. First off, it’s important to clarify that – for the most part – these differences apply when seeking positions with the Federal government. Having said that, the answer to the question does not get easier.

Please refer to for some details about Federal jobs and the application process. Unfortunately, there is no one resume/CV style that works for all Federal positions/departments. Generally speaking, resumes you submit for Federal positions require much more detail and there are some consistencies in terms of what that additional required information looks like across departments. You need to play close attention to each requisition you intend to apply for. Different branches have different requirements. Don’t worry – you’ll typically find exhaustively detailed information in terms of what is to be submitted.

Many people have a difficult time working with the narrative description which is often required to address different KSA (knowledge, skills, abilities) requirements. For most people, this KSA component represents the most significant departure from private sector resume requirements.