Resume or Marketing Document?
Kent R.
There are a lot of similarities between a resume and a client-marketing document, both are meant to establish your qualifications, pique readers interests and get you a chance to sell yourself in person. I work with a lot professionals who may be looking to secure a full-time position, but may also choose to look for new freelance clients. Even though the two documents may contain the same experience, there is a critical difference in how to approach those two groups.
A resume is employer focused. This means that you need to highlight ways in which you have made a positive impact on the organizations of which you have been a part. Often times that means speaking to “internal wins” – increased margins, PR successes and off-shoring services are just a few examples. Those are likely achievements that you would not want a customer to know about.
A client-marketing document is customer focused. You want that document to shine a spotlight on ways you will make a positive impact on your clients. These might include successes around delivery times, experience enhancements, value adds, etc. Make sure your accomplishments – even those that fall under previous organizations – are “external wins.”
Whether your creating a resume or a client-marketing document, you’ve got to know your audience. Remember, the document is about you, but it is for them. Communicating your potential impact and the value you offer is a winning strategy; just make sure you are focusing on what is appropriate for your readers.