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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

Blog / Podcast

The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.

Resume on LinkedIn

Kent R.

Q: Do you recommend uploading my new resume to LinkedIn as an attachment?

A. Usually, no (despite LinkedIn making it very easy for you to do so). There are two key reasons why.

As I remind my clients, LinkedIn is public facing, which means that the information you provide in your resume – which is hopefully clearly quantifying your impact – could be perceived as over-disclosure on such a public forum.

Equally as important, LinkedIn is most powerful when it is piquing readers’ interests and making them want to learn more. If you post your resume, you remove the potential opportunity to engage with that person early in the discovery process.