Online Portfolios
Kent R.
Portfolios have been around for ages, but the ability for professionals across multiple industries to quickly direct interested parties toward actual examples of their work has never been easier. In the interest of encouraging more professionals to play around with the idea of online portfolios, I am highlighting four popular sites: – The largest code host in the world and the de-facto place for software designers, programmers, etc. to share code and collaborate. – An online platform to showcase and discover creative work. – A portfolio site and creative job board. Coroflot connects designers with career opportunities, provides companies with access to leading talent and brings exposure to design work. – LinkedIn provides the ability to showcase things like projects and presentations. So even if you don’t fall in a category of professionals that historically uses a portfolio, you can still display some of your work.
Those are just a few ideas for online portfolios. Regardless of whether you use a site like one of those listed above or create your own online portfolio (web designers, I’m talking to you), the point is the same – providing potential employers with access to your work can have a significantly positive impact on your job search success.