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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

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Not Including an Address on Your Resume

Kent R.

Q: I am not comfortable putting my address on my resume. Is it okay if I leave it off? 

A: Whether or not you list an address on your resume is completely up to you. However, not listing your address could make it more difficult to get considered for positions. Here is why: 

• Not including an address will leave many readers to believe that you are not a local candidate, which – with many positions still receiving a glut of clearly local candidates – could be a big hurdle to overcome. 

• As old-school as it may sound, a physical address adds a level of credibility to your resume. 

• Many screening systems will automatically reject or “red flag” resumes that don’t include an address. That means your resume might not even make it through the system. 

If you can stomach it, include your full physical address. If your simply too uncomfortable with that, consider at least listing your city, state / province, and postal code. This compromise at least lets readers know that you are a local candidate without fully disclosing your address. 

For readers who are omitting an address because your are not a local candidate, check out these tips for communicating to an employer that you are willing to relocate.