Maximizing LinkedIn Skills Endorsements
Kent R.
I reviewed the LinkedIn profile of a client the other day and saw that she had numerous endorsements for "Cars." "Cars" might be an area of expertise – albeit a very generic one – if the client where, say, an auto mechanic or NASCAR driver. In those cases, "Cars" could make some sense. But this client was in event marketing for an auto manufacturer. Despite "Cars" being practically meaningless, especially in regards to her career, it remained at the top of her list of endorsements.
The Skills and Endorsements section of LinkedIn – that section that provides a way for your connections to let others know that they think you have what it takes in a certain area – is a really critical part of your LinkedIn profile. Not only is it like a list of mini-recommendations, it is also an easy way to shape perceptions about your professional skill set. Despite the section being visually prominent and important, many LinkedIn users don't actively manage it – likely because they don't know that they can.
Here are a few tips for curating a list of Skills and Endorsements that adds value to your profile and provides some actual insights into your areas of expertise:
- Make a habit of reviewing the Skills and Endorsements section of your profile (maybe once a month).
- Don't be afraid to remove a skill that you don't feel is relevant or that doesn't align with your career objectives.
- Reorder skills so that that the skills you are most proud of or that you most want to highlight are at the top of the list and deemphasize skills that are relevant, but perhaps don't align with your career objectives.