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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

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The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.

Job Search Advice

Kent R.

I was just on a conference call on which someone said "Right now, people care about getting a job, not reinventing themselves." I think – in a horrible economic climate – it's easy to take a "people just want jobs" attitude because, well, people do want jobs. But, just as companies are now seeking the right fit, so too are job candidates. Sure, we all need to put food on the table; I'm not arguing that many people simply need work in order to do that.

What I'm proposing, though, is that – whether that's the case or not – more and more people want to find the right job – the right career.

My advice…. Don't buy into a "I need any job" mindset. Even if you have to take a job to simply meet expenses, don't let that be the end of the conversation. Always focus on moving closer and closer to the right thing, even if that means taking those steps while you are doing the absolute wrong thing.

In this economy (and going forward), we can't afford to have to have rudderless people – because the bad times always affect them disproportionately. Do whatever you need to do to start feeling empowered and energized by your work/career.