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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

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The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.

It Takes More Than Just a Resume

Kent R.

I often get asked to explain why I frequently reference a "toolkit of job search documents" and not simply a resume. Here are three reasons (of many) why I believe it is critical to have a job search toolkit, including a powerful resume.

The job market is still a bit of a knife fight. There are several opportunities to “tell your story” and improve your visibility among hiring managers – cover letters, resume follow-up letters, and post interview thank you letters being chief among them. In a highly competetive job market, you need to seize on every opportunity you have to set yourself apart.

“Luck is what happens when opportunity meets preparation.” Having a complete set of job search documents means you are prepared to jump on opportunities that arise and see it through. All too often I get emails from potential clients who need something “yesterday” because an opportunity popped up and they aren’t prepared.

You’re more likely to use the tools you have. Sitting down to write a cover letter from scratch or to come up with a thoughtful resume follow-up letter is enough to make most people throw in the towel. It is much less daunting to provide a thoughtful cover letter or send of a resume follow-up letter when you have a template on hand.

A powerful resume is critical, but it is just part of the equation. Increase your chances of job search success by being prepared with a complete job search toolkit.