Is a Creative Resume Right For Me?
Kent R.
I’ve long held that creative resumes are generally a bad idea, even for individuals in creative roles. However, there are always exceptions to the “rule.” But before you ask “Am I the exception?” let me share this; if you are the exception, you won’t need to ask. If a highly creative resume is appropriate for you, you will know. And you’ll know because it will be so natural an extension of the highly creative work you do that you simply wouldn’t consider something else. You would also not think to ask for someone else to create it, because – again – it would be a direct representation of your talent and expertise.
So if you are asking, “should I develop a really creative resume?” the answer is probably no.
Now, even if you are in the (very) small percentage of individuals for whom a highly creative resume makes sense, you will likely still need a standard resume. You may also need help with content. In either case, reach out.