Internet Savvy
Kent R.
Internet Savvy.
But probably not the kind of savvy you're thinking.
My post from a couple of week's ago prompted a bunch of e-mails about what whether or not current/potential employers care about employees/candidates presence on social media. I wrote a bit about this a year ago, but clearly it's worth addressing again.
Yes, employers care. Very much.
In the consulting work I do, I'm quite frankly surprised at the effort that employers put into monitoring employees and checking out candidates. Now, to be clear, most just want to be sure that candidates aren't totally insane during their free time and employees aren't hunting for other work.
Although I'm surprised at the effort, it can be revealing.
If someone posts pictures of him/her self drunk on social media, does a company have reason to question that person's judgement? Yes.
Of course not all companies do such a thing, but it's a good idea to behave as though they all do.