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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

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How To Ace a Phone Screening Interview

Kent R.

Phone screening interviews can be a little confusing... Here are three tips for acing them.

Don’t over talk – A phone screen is an interview but it’s not an Interview. The screener is typically looking to quickly identify if you are a strong candidate and if it makes sense to invest the time in a full interview. Honor the screener’s time and the purpose of the call – to gather a lot of information quickly and narrow down the candidate pool – by keeping your answers brief and achievement focused.

Be engaged – We talk on the phone a lot, so it is easy to believe you know how to interview on the phone. Without the context of a face-to-face interview, it can be challenging for a caller to “hear” your enthusiasm, so step up your game and be consciously enthusiastic. And don’t forget to smile. As corny as it may sound, callers can hear a smile.

Speak clearly – Enunciate and speak slowly. It is easy to assume you always communicate clearly and with good diction. Truth is, you probably don’t. So be mindful.