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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

Blog / Podcast

The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.

How Do I Get My Resume Noticed?

Kent R.

Q. I’ve read several of your posts on creative resume formats. If you don’t suggest colors or graphics, how do I get my resume noticed?

A. While I don’t suggest colors or graphics, I do recommend you employ some strategic formatting. Having said that, the single most effective way to make your resume stand out is to include clear, quantifiable accomplishments. Because they are so rare, there is simply nothing more effective and disruptive than an accomplishment focused resume.

Remember, it's about you but for your audience. You may like color, but they probably won't. Make sense?