Finding Career Satisfaction
Kent R.
We're getting into Autumn. Wow.
This is the time of year when I recommend that people, yearning for a new job or career, start making the transition to more meaningful work.
Do not wait until December or, worse yet, January. That might feel like a good time of the year for this kind of professional development work, but it rarely is. Save the end of the year for celebrating with loved ones and working on small changes that you want to make in 2015.
Do the heavy lifting – working on larger goals – now. It's an ideal time to take steps toward career satisfaction.
As I've said before...
We live in a time where, out of necessity it seems that many people have to take jobs that “pay the bills.” The number of people I meet in unfulfilling jobs is alarming. It’s a sign of the times and a sign of how quickly the reality of the world’s economy is changing.
Unfortunately, though, there’s a huge price to pay when that’s the case. For one, unless you’re feeling fulfilled and in sync, that little voice in your head will always be nagging you – reminding you that you aren’t feeling so hot about your career. There’s a solution, though, that helps to quiet that nagging voice. Pursue fulfillment.
You see, if you are at the very least pursuing your purpose, you are “on purpose” and the voice is dulled. Many people view the job dilemma as an either/or sort of thing. You’re happy or you’re not. That’s what keeps people from taking steps forward; tiny steps, even, that get them closer and closer to feeling in sync.
Fulfilling work that will resonate with you is within your reach. It starts by taking one step at a time. I’ve worked hard – and even faced a career refocusing – to become an expert and to differentiate myself within the field of Human Resources and Career Development. It wasn’t always easy, and I could have chosen to stay in upwardly mobile but ultimately unfulfilling jobs from my previous career track. My life is much richer all the way around because of the career shift I pursued.
The economy is improving. I urge you to get on top of your career and make work work for you. Settling is simply not worth it – no matter the state of the economy.
Start now. Who knows, by 2015 you could be celebrating beginning something new.