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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

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Don't Undervalue Language Skills

Kent R.

Q. I am going to apply for software engineering positions in the US. You’ve talked about the importance of a concise resume, so I am thinking of removing my BA in Foreign Language and my study abroad experience so that my resume stays one page. Do you think that is a bad idea?

A. You're right, a concise resume is key, but not at the cost of including valuable information like language skills.

I assume the reason you would consider removing language skills and study abroad experience is because you believe that potential employers will not see them as beneficial (for a US-based software development position). Even if a position does not require you to speak a foreign language, language skills are almost always relevant and could really set you apart.

Here is why your language skills and study abroad experience is relevant even if you won’t be speaking a foreign language in the position: those experiences tell potential employers several important things – most critically, that you bring some level of culturally competent communication skills. Workplaces and audiences are increasingly multi-cultural, so the ability to connect with diverse audiences is nearly always a qualification, regardless of the role.