Communicating Your Potential Impact – Know the Employer
Kent R.
We all know that it is important to include specific, quantifiable achievements on your resume. But a truly powerful resume actually goes one step further. The most effective resumes give the reader insight into your potential impact. Prior performance is the best indicator of future performance. This is why accomplishments are the foundation of a great resume. They bolster your credibility by highlighting the ways in which you have made an impact on past employers.
But how do you clearly outline how you plan to make a positive impact on your future employer? First, you need to know the challenges and goals of the company in which you are interested. That means research. Here are a few tips for uncovering this kind of information:
Job Requisitions: Requisitions are the best place to start. When written well, a job requisition can provide almost all the information you need to effectively target your resume and speak to your potential impact. But don’t just take the requisition at face value. You can gain some perspective into the organization’s goals by reading deeper into the outlined requirements.
LinkedIn: When it comes to researching a potential employer, LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools out there. There are numerous ways to use LinkedIn to learn more about a company – from the obvious (examining a company’s profile) to the deep dive (like searching individual profiles to examine turnover).
Company Website: This one is pretty straightforward. Have a look at the about page and, if applicable, the company’s mission statement.
Shareholder Statements and Press Releases: Many companies provide this information on their website (usually under a press / media tab). Have a look at what the company is saying publicly. This will give you an idea of the corporate culture and may provide some insight into the company’s goals.
All of these ideas are not meant to complicate a job search process that most people already find overwhelming. Sometimes you just need to apply to a job without spending a lot of time researching. However, if you are particularly interested in a position and want to significantly enhance your chances of landing an interview, you will want to take things to the next level.