Communicating the Best Version of You
Kent R.
When it comes to all things career, a lot of people get caught up in the details. The wrong details, that is. For instance, when constructing resumes, people often get overly consumed by the smaller picture – time away to care for a child, a job that didn't work out, a lay off – rather than by the larger picture.
It's the big picture that matters, and it's the one that should guide how you go about presenting yourself in the best light possible.
My advice… Stay focused on the larger picture – those things that speak positively and powerfully about where you've been and where you're going. Don't let guilt over time away or bad career moves get you off track. Why? Because everyone has those things – a job gone bad, a period out of the work force, etc.
Move past it. Your resume is your story, your marketing piece. The sooner you adopt that mindset when communicating your best self (on your resume, in an interview, at a networking event) the better.
Do you need help communicating the best version of you? Many people do. If so, check out the current promotion. You get a suite of incredible job search documents and the great feeling that comes with helping others out. Check it out.
Have a good week!