Average Length for a Job Search
Kent R.
Q. What is the average length for an executive-level job search?
A. Like so many of the questions I answer on this blog, I have to start with a very unsatisfying "it depends." Given the myriad factors in play – candidate qualifications, professional sector, economic climate, etc. – I doubt that answer comes as a surprise. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the typical job search takes one month for each $10K in desired income. That's a very loose guideline, but it provides a way to start thinking about average job search times.
Since this questions usually can be translated into "how long am I going to be unemployed or stuck in this unfulfilling job," let's talk about ways to shorten the job search process. Here is a starter-kit of tips that will get you on a path to make your job search as short as possible.