The Resume Is Not Dead
Kent R.
This morning I opened e-mail to find a message that said, in part:
...I guess companies aren't using resumes any longer, so I'd like to inquire about a bio...
I have recently seen some articles – and heard a lot of talk – claiming that the resume is dead. The assertions range from “the bio is king” to “LinkedIn has killed the resume.” While these statement are certainly eye catching, they aren’t telling the whole story.
I don't want to bury the big news. The resume is still an integral part of the job search process.
The claim that the bio is “the new resume” is based on the premise that a bio is a more personal approach and that this kind of disclosure resonates more with readers. This does not mean it is a replacement for the resume. It simply means that a bio might be – in some situations – a compliment to a resume. This assertion also speaks to a more modern (and common) approach to the resume itself; using it as a marketing piece that goes beyond “just the facts” and begins to share how you will fit into an organization.
Even LinkedIn profiles, which are more resume-like than a bio, are not a replacement. LinkedIn profiles are excellent networking tools and a critical part of the job search process. However, not every organization is using LinkedIn, which means you may be missing out on key opportunities. Those that do will likely still request your resume. Besides, even a well executed LinkedIn profile can't compare to a sharp, compelling and well formatted resume.
When considering emerging employment and resume trends or whether or not you even need a resume, it is important to consider the full process. The resume still serves as a core marketing piece as you are sold to key decision makers in an organization. It may also be required to get you through mandatory automated screening processes.
Whatever the case, the resume is not dead. It – like the entire employment landscape – is simply evolving (thankfully!).
Get in touch with questions. I'd love to help.
Have a great week.