Are Infographics and Video Resumes Effective?
Kent R.
Q. I recently came across a site that offers a lot of cutting-edge resume options, like infographic resumes and video resumes. This seems like a good way to set yourself apart. What do you think?
A. The job market is tight and people are looking for any way they can to differentiate themselves. I get it. But these options are not the most effective way to accomplish that. Despite new technology and innovative ways to present information, the most effective way to set yourself apart – at least initially – is still to present quantifiable achievements in an easy-to-read and engaging resume.
Consider this. Who – when first getting to know you – has the time to interpret your infographic resume, watch a video about you, or explore your resume website? I would go so far as to say that, in many cases, the belief that these approaches will set you apart speaks to a fundamental misunderstanding of the way hiring managers consume information. In that vein, they are not just ineffective, they will work against you.
Having said all that, I think there is a place for these new approaches in the job search process. When exceptionally well done, they can make great leave-behinds and value-adds, but they are not replacements for tried-and-true job search documents.