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Why Are Meetings so Awful?

Blog / Podcast

The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.

Why Are Meetings so Awful?

Kent R.

This morning, a friend told me he had to cut our conversation short, as he was heading into a work meeting. As he was saying it, his tone and bright disposition nose-dived. His mood was suddenly so down that I intuitively blurted out “Are you getting fired?”

“No,” he chuckled, “worse. It’s a budget meeting.”

Of course, he wasn’t getting fired. He was just responding like we all do when we’re about to attend a meeting. Because meetings are awful.

In the realm of office life – or really, life in general – there's a common enemy that unites us all: meetings. A collective sigh seems to escape whenever mentions of meetings are uttered, and the phrase "I have a meeting" can evoke dread like no other. But why is this the case?

Why do we, collectively, harbor such animosity toward something that should be a collaborative and productive activity?

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