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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.

Resilience. Hold the Indoctrination.

Blog / Podcast

The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.

Resilience. Hold the Indoctrination.

Kent R.

A friend was recently, painfully, recounting the post-election-text-battle he got into with his brother. We’re the guys who are happy to hear the gory details—the he-said-what?! of it all—but tend to steer the conversation to “…and how are you feeling about all that?”

“Fine,” he said. “I’ve been using resiliency tactics I learned at work. I’m not gonna give it any thought. Pushing through!”

*Insert YouTube face*

You might think two people who use words like resilience nearly as often as we use basic conjunctions would be all warm and fuzzy about company sponsored resilience training.

You’d be wrong.

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